Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Class 3 - Google Docs - Portfolios

We went through the process of making a Middle School Collection (folder)
in our Google Documents.  

  1. Login into out Google Account
  2. Make Middle School Collection (folder) in our Google Docs.
  3. Then put all our collections (folders) in the middle school collection (folder)
  4. We then shared Middle School with
  5. We then went to
  6. Clicked on Middle School then our grade
  7. Clicked Portfolio we want (LA, Math, Science, Social Studies)
  8. Clicked on Yes Make a Copy
  9. Renamed Portfolio with our name
  10. Copied URL (page address)
  11. Went to are Google Doc and refreshed page showing ALL to see portfolio page we moved to proper collection (folder)
  12. Then went back to to middle school proper grade at bottom Hand in form
  13. Filled in Form and hit submit
  14. Repeated Process for each courses portfolio
  15. Went to each portfolio page and started copying document addresses to proper location

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